Wednesday, April 27, 2005
This is Captain Jack Sparrow, we found him at our local shelter in October. He was snuggled among 7 very furry, large canine sisters, 3 times his size. My daughter picked him up and asked the kennel manager, "what is wrong with his eye?" The manager shared Jacks story of being the runt, and having his eye punctured by a litter mate when he was 2 weeks old. I was on the cement floor being pumalted by 2 of the big sisters, when my daughter said, "Mom look at him, nobody will want him because he so small, and his eye..."
The rest is HISTORY. She named him after the character in Pirates of The Caribbean, due to the one eye trait.
Jack shared the miracle of the historical blizzard we awoke to early one morning this past November. The desert has never seen snow like this.
Needless to say Jack, and the rest of us had a blast
# Posted by Marybeth @ |
5:59 PM

what a completely adorable dog!!!!! I just want to reach out and swqeeze him he's so precious!
Thanks for dropping by my site, and commenting! Welcome to the blog world! I'm not currently pg, just got finished with that (yippeee!)
Anonymous, at
9:05 PM
What a cutie!
Anonymous, at
11:16 PM
Good morning! I'm happy to see that Photobucket worked for you too. You are welcome!
The picture is adorable!
Your sidebar is squished down to the right again but that's because the Cap'n Jack's picture is so large. If you make your pictures smaller (somewhere around 3" wide, or even with the blog text) before you upload them to Photobucket (making copies so you don't shrink the originals) your sidebar will pop right back up, again. Technology can be a real pain. E-mail me if you need any help. :)
Lois Lane
Lois Lane, at
5:02 AM
My Treasured Comrade
I cannot express how proud I am of you for having the tenacity to achieve your goal of being able to add pictures to your blog! You and I both know what a monumental accomplishment this was for you. YOU GO GIRL!!!!
Anonymous, at
5:04 PM
CUTE POOCHIE!!!!!!! Oh man, I just want to hug him and let him lick my face with love! I want a dog, but I can't have one ( against apartment rules). The next place I move to MUST be pet friendly! :)
for_the_lonely, at
6:47 PM
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