I could not write during his 5 days in ICU, nor were there words during the funeral, and still words do not come now 3 weeks following. 43, Loving, faithful, present fully in the life of his family. Thankyou Tee for all that you are, and every thing you did during your journey here with us. There just arent words to begin to express , but you know, of course you know..... IT amazes me now, that my last post to the Katrina victims, is perfectly fitting for now..
Keeping a good thought for you and for all who love you as you deal with your loss. Impermanence, in the abstract, is one thing; but some... losses... are almost too painful.
Tomorrow would be Tee's Birthday and wedding anniversary. I miss him so much I can not bare to think of it.
Anonymous, at
4:11 PM
43? Much too young. I'm sorry you lost someone you care about MB.
Lois Lane
Lois Lane, at
6:18 PM
i'm sorry for your loss, also.
carrie, at
6:46 PM
Keeping a good thought for you and for all who love you as you deal with your loss. Impermanence, in the abstract, is one thing; but some... losses... are almost too painful.
Harold/AQ, at
6:41 AM
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