O. K. THE BRIDE, Personally I think she experienced a pre-nuptial psychotic break of some kind; or she wasn’t taking her med’s, or she has had a psychiatric illness and the STRESS of a 600 guest wedding pushed her right over the edge into illness! Now she is being charged with something or another.! Think about all the FBI and other various and sundry ‘ENFORCEMENT agencies our tax dollars pay for, that have been spent hunting down INNOCENT VICTIMS! Here in California , a week doesn’t go by , when half the agencies in the state chase some whackadoo on the freeway at ridiculous speeds, endangering everyone on the road, while not being available to respond to the calls for much more important crimes! Oh, and don’t even get me started on our MEDIA!!! The groom to be having to take a lie detector test! C-mon!! It was and still is a DRAMA. and the media takes it , writes it there way, and way to many people jump on board this train , frantically waiting for the next report, its the “talk of the town” all the while the networks bank accounts going > Kaching!$$$ Kaching$$$$ Kaching!!!!
Sweetheart, turn off the TV. Go rest up so you'll be well tomorrow. :)
Lois Lane
Lois Lane, at
7:57 PM
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