Wednesday, November 09, 2005
ITs Getting Better All The Time
The votes have been cast, the ballots tallied and one thing is clear: you have sent a resounding message all across the Golden State. You showed that the partisan Republican agenda Arnold Schwarzenegger tried to impose in California is wrong for our state!
The message you sent was even heard in Washington, D.C., as Governor Schwarzenegger's friends in the White House watched the loud defeat of the Bush-Schwarzenegger agenda of debt, division, and diminished opportunity.
But now the real race begins and I think we are all ready for a new direction for California.
I pressed the little voting booth screen butten REPEATEDLY...
No...No..No.. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO............!!!!!!!
I wish I could be a fly on the wall of the Governators Office today =)
# Posted by Marybeth @ |
9:59 AM

You pressed it so hard the blood left your fingertip, didn't it? :)
Lois Lane
Lois Lane, at
8:00 PM
Hey MS LAne!
YEs indeed it did!!!
There looks to be some light at the end of this DARK and DREARY administration.
N a m a s t e,
majamom, at
3:45 PM
All politicians and political parties eat crap.
Government is a hoax to steal tax money from unthinking civilians.
Oh, and to fight wars also.
It's funny for me to watch the political parties, all of them corrupt and morally bankrupt, wrangle with each other.
What's up with those dumbass "conventions"...with red white and blue balloons and country western singers?
Be Smart: DON'T VOTE.
Send a message of silence and non-compliance into the disgusting political arena.
Just say NO to government and politics.
steven edward streight, at
9:22 PM
while I empathize with your opinions, I do not see how complete non paticipation is possible, or practical , in impacting our society for the better.
My question is , what can we do as individual citizens on a daily basis to create any change, in what is total pandemonium in our current administration.
majamom, at
9:48 PM
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