Thank you , wonderful (((Friends)) for the love, support, healing energy, and (((Lois Lane)), I may send that poem along with my feed back sheet to the swanky surgery office! (with your permission, of course) Phyllis - I love you all! I am hugging my puter screen where the angelic faces of your little ones shine Beezy Loves You XOXOXOXOXO the pictures mAde my day! * WELCOME HOME LYNN * MEGAN WE LOVE YOU * ONLY 27 DAYS TILL LENNA COME HOME!! * KIM YOUR POEM ROCKED, AS DOES BO BICE!!!! * CAROLYN- THANKYOU FOR REFORMATTING THE FILES! * BEAR, THANKYOU FOR SHRINKING THE PICS TO JUST THE RIGHT SIZE FOR THE BLOG! * MY LOVE, GOOD LUCK ON YOUR TOURNAMENT! yOU ARE NUMBER #1 IN MY EYES. ALWAYS!
M.B. wish yu were here! You could help me shovel out the basement of left over train crap! Just kidding. Every shovelful gets me one step closer to an independant life with out the ex and his crap. Stef's friend Colton wrote a song while he was here and sang it for me and the chorus included this line " Im breathing new air now" that the truth or not? I am breathing new air now and it is sweet...poor, but sweet.
You bet you can! I love the pictures! I'm glad you are feeling better! Have a great weekend.
Lois Lane
Lois Lane, at
9:17 AM
M.B. wish yu were here! You could help me shovel out the basement of left over train crap! Just kidding. Every shovelful gets me one step closer to an independant life with out the ex and his crap. Stef's friend Colton wrote a song while he was here and sang it for me and the chorus included this line " Im breathing new air now" that the truth or not? I am breathing new air now and it is sweet...poor, but sweet.
Anonymous, at
6:11 PM
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