Name: Marybeth
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which one do you like better?
my next poster project for EWN
the puppies! the puppies! me, jack,, and our ne...
bob * jack
Good Job Great Grandma XOXOXO
here you go mom * dad
dam we are cute!
I am so G r a t e f u l
I almost voted for this one and went back and forth quite a bit between this one and the first one.
Harold/AQ, at
12:02 PM
.AQ I appreciate you taking the time to really examine the pictures.
majamom, at
9:16 AM
Hi ((((Wrae)))
The Image is for another poster for Earth Works Now 2007,. If you google earth art you will get the jest of what it is and they type of artist who is moved to create in this way. Check it out and let me know what you think.
majamom, at
9:19 AM
I almost did *not* vote for this one, but now I am. See?
Long and noble ally, your photography blehms me decently thoroughly and makes me Wok Out to a big digree.
I am enraptured. You get better every day, like the Beatles said.
Your photographic art mixes well with PAVEMENT's CD "Slanted & Enchanted". I'm listening to "Texas Never Whispers", and now "Forwards", followed by "Lions (Linden)" and "Shoot the Singer (1 Sick Verse)".
Good mood, I'm in a doggone good mood, with this art and musiqke.
Know how to save your template? done it lately?
steven edward streight, at
6:44 AM
tell me more about Earth Works Now 2007.
go with monochrome, it is more mysterious, invites deeper inspection, more French deconstructionistic, more Derridean, more my happy smile.
Anonymous, at
6:46 AM
glad you are feeling enraptured!!
"what is "woked out"? im assuming a positive connotation as opposed to a negative one like JANKEY =)
do i have to have a special program to download mp3's or can i just do it?? -my puter is only a bit over a year =/
no playing with templates-sorry to say but my photo and my design class along with my usual daily blog travels are causing great grief to my cervical spine-i know yu know the pain that goes along with these tissue issues. My only hope is to hire and pay for any blog services, which for now are on the left back burner. A proposal has gone out to 2 designers for another new blog for sale and barter of all things hand made. I anticipate this coming to fruition in the late spring.
majamom, at
3:19 PM
You just go to Blogger Dashboard, click on Blogger up at top left of your blog.
Then go to Settings or Change Settings. Then go to Template. Then merely highlight the whole thing. Then click on Copy from Edit in your browser chrome at top, after File, before View, probably.
Then, once Copied, open your text editor, like Notepad or Wordpad. Open a New File. Go to Edit and Paste the blog template in. Go to Save File and give it a name, like desert template April 6, 2006.
That way, if something happens to your blog, you still have the template saved that you can Copy and Paste back into your Settings.
steven edward streight, at
9:14 PM
Carrie, in pregancy, near delivery, delirium, accidentally clicked on Delete Entire Blog, or something, sh'es not sure, and her blog vanished, and I could not visit it for about 2 days.
But she had saved her blog template, like I suggested, and she was able to restore it.
steven edward streight, at
9:15 PM
Dear VTG,
i truly appreciate your excellent directions on this. hey, why dont you do a Blog instructional video geared toward elementary level so it is super easy friendly for all of non tech oriented folks Do a small release at first then see how it goes. I have purchased like videos from one person blogs for knitting, cross stitch and sewing.
hey they arent high quality productions, but they work and are only 8-10.00. why someone has not already jumped on this waiting market-is beyond me =/
my neck is killing me
how is yours?
thanks again for headup on the template save. I als o need to burn these precious files to disc in case of a puter crash.
PS you did not nswer my questions in the comment above you last entry =/
majamom, at
9:55 PM
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