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Sunday, July 10, 2005

what is it about me ???

I get excited about taking anykind of personality test. the problem is I often dont find any of

the multiple choice answers fitting to me, or, i am really two of the answers combined , but

clicking two is never an option. hmmmmmmm...anyway, here are some results,,


You Are a Soy Latte
At your best, you are: free spirited, down to earth, and relaxedAt your worst, you are: dogmatic

and pickyYou drink coffee when: you need a pick me up, and green tea isn't cutting itYour

caffeine addiction level: medium

IN TRUTH : i would never turn my nose up at a vanilla soy latte; however, my standard out of

home coffee choice is usually a Venti ( or the biggest they have ) whilte chocolate mocha.

I enjoy soy iced, but not heated. I should order low fat milk, but i never do. I like whole milk, or

even better half and half. (yuuuuummmmmm)

This could change in my future if my cholestoral were to get in a disagreeable range.

Name: Marybeth

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