Bob attempted to put new faucets in our BR bathroom this afternoon- Suddenly , I heard this
wild yelping followed by a myriad of explicative's.. "GET TOWELS"!!!
'Jesus mot#@!!! Fu#@!!!
2 second pause
followed by
Sarah and I ran toward my BR colliding with Bob , who was running for the Hot water heater outside.
The sight in our bathroom is best described as an open fire hydrant ,
blasting directly into our BR!
Not knowing it was hot water,( yes, bob failed to share that critical info )
I ran straight for it , only to fly backwards out of our bathroom in pain from the water temperature.
Sarah stood frozen just to the side of this water explosion eyes wide ( deer in the headlight look)
waiting for any sensible direction
Of course today would be the only day there weren't multiple towels strewn all over Sarah's floor,
so I had to remember where in the heck I hid the only 4 "good beach sized towels" ..and--- I
don't remember well under pressure.
Sarah and I scurried around like two gerbils with ADHD
4 minutes later- Bingo! --
just where any logical adult would hide towels-
in a the large photo storage box with all of my other photo albums.( I know , where is her logic ?)
I tore open the container tossing each towel to Sarah, who threw each one onto the flooded floor.
This action was about as effective as using 4 sheets of Kleenex to soak up the water in a swimming pool......
suddenly the gush stopped!
Deep breathe in 2, 3, 4,... and..
out 2, 3, 4,...
"Good Job Bob ",!!!!!
I yell with what's left of my very wet ,soaking self
Bob comes running back into our Br ,
at a pace noticeably slower then his departure speed,
looking worse then he ever has following one of his marathon golf sessions.
" Honey! honey I want you to calm down."
"It is over a hundred degrees out there and you are out of breath....
"It's just a little water"
# Posted by Marybeth @ |
8:51 AM

you seem to have gone on a nice vacation!
Great!! The pics look very refreshing an enticing...
Srikar, at
9:48 AM
It is times like that it would have been priceless to have a camcorder filming the pandemonium!!
It is a good thing that nobody got hurt!!!
It sounds like it time to call the plumber!!
Anonymous, at
10:05 AM
mb - SIDESPLITTING! holy shit, this was hilarious! you are such a wonderful story-teller. thank you, a million times. i will leave for work laughing. love -camille-
meelo, at
1:40 PM
SRIKAR- yes, so refreshing, but , much too short
I'm scorching again in the deserts record breaking temperatures!
BIG C- if I had only ordered than TSV video cam 2 weeks ago!!!
once again dear friends come to the rescue.
Bob had an - over the phone plumbing instruction and fixed the source of civil unrest without so much as a small out burst!
love you xo
SHAYMO you are the GOOD WRITER!!! ,...I was just sharing what was momentarily a colossal event! and am so glad you laughed as well.
((hugs to you))
majamom, at
3:38 PM
oh how awful...
I say while laughing my a** off !
Great story.
Too bad it was true.
Hope the flooring survived.
author, at
5:59 PM
well.. repeated water sucking treatments from our old carpet cleaner seems to have done the trick, although new carpeting would be much more to my satisfaction.
majamom, at
12:38 AM
The birds and the mouse and the moon, were lovely photos. What I want to know is, why isn't there a picture of Bob getting drenched on the blog???? LOL!
Lois Lane, at
11:37 AM
Good to see you (((Lois)))
In times of FEDERAL EMERGENCIES , my primitive brain kicks in and grabbing my digi didnt even occur to me till hours later. Of course if it had, Im sure the water would have led to camera demise, which in my opinion is more serius then carpet or flooring damage =)
majamom, at
12:15 PM
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